

                                  ABSTRACT Current case is about an 80 y/o patient who has developed deep vein thrombosis as a consequence of organophosphate compound poisoning. In this case, risk factors a/w development of DVT(without considering OP poisoning) is age (80 yrs) and comorbidity(hypertensive since 5 years)                              INTRODUCTION a case a discussion Some journals might require literature review. CASE 80 year old female who is a homemaker came with complaints swelling in the left lower limb since 10 days associated with pain. History of organophosphate compound poisoning 20days back for which she was treated outside and since then patient is on  Tab. QUITIPINE 5R 500 OD,                      Tab. RISPERIDONE 2mg OD    K/c/o HTN since 5years on T No similar complains in the past.  Tubectomy done No h/o any prolonged immobilisation.  VITALS- PR-80bpm BP-130/80mmhg RR-17cpm SpO2-98% at RA RS- BAE present P/A-Soft and NT CVS-S1S2 present CNS-NFD INVESTIGATION